Workstations management

IPI Enterprise Server – Workstation management

You can Edit Workstation, See Details and Delete. Go to section Workstations.

Editing Workstation

You need to click on the line with the desired workstation and click Edit.

You can edit and save the data in the window that appears.

Deleting Workstation

You need to click on the line with the desired workstation and click Delete.

Confirm your decision and click Delete one more time.

Note! When you delete a workstation, all associated logs will be deleted.

If you delete the workstation while the user is working on it, the IPI key will be disconnected and the IPI Client will display an indicator that signals that the workstation not approved on the server.

See details

To view workstation information, you can:

  1. Double-click on a line with the workstation name.

  2. Click on the line with the desired workstation and click Details button.

You can see the IPI key or list of keys that are allowed to work with this workstation via proximity.

You can read more about proximity mechanism: Use proximity with Workstation Unlock PC by proximity

Unapproving Workstation

If you decide to prohibit a workstation from working with IPI keys, then you can make it unapproved and it is enough.

You need to click on the line with the desired workstation and click Unapprove.

Confirm your decision and click Unapprove one more time.

If you unapprove the workstation while the user is working on it, the IPI key will be disconnected and the IPI Client will display an indicator that signals that the workstation not approved on the server.

Last updated